NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR (1984) | 1949, First Edition, First Impression, Finely Bound.
This might be the most beautiful binding I have come across so far in my book career.
An exceedingly rare first edition of one of the most important books every written (and also one of the most banned). A fine copy, this example is elevated by the dramatic binding featuring the Big Brother Eye motif. Rare.
First edition, first impression, 8vo, finely bound in modern black morocco, central panel of the front cover features the all-seeing eye of Big Brother in vellum, green, and black on a background of compartments in shades of red, four further eyes in each corner, raised bands, spine panels with gilt fleuron at centre, two red morocco labels, beautiful marbled endpapers. A fine copy externally, a fine copy internally. Beautiful and rare.
Published by Secker & Warburg, London 1949.
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